W3Body App Launches January 2017!

It is finally here!

The W3Body APP for members.Β 

We are so excited to bring this mobile/tech feature to our members to help them stay engaged and ultimately, achieve the results they are looking for.

We strongly feel at W3 that this new app will help our members by keeping them engaged with the W3 community, keeping them up to date about what is going on at the club, offering challenges and other activities to keep them motivated, and incentivizing them through our NEW rewards program.

The W3 rewards program is a very exciting new feature for us at Women’s Workout & Wellness. Members who have the app will be able to earn points through various activities: coming to the gym for a workout, sponsoring a friend, taking a challenge, setting a goal, achieving that goal, enrolling in training, and more! They can redeem their accrued points at any time for various prizes, such as membership months free, a W3 t-shirt, team functional training, small group personal training, one on one personal training and lots more! It is all tracked on the app, and guess what? The app AND rewards program are FREE for our members!

Check group fitness class schedules, scan into the gym, join challenges, post to social media, receive daily deals, club updates, push notifications, rewards, prizes, record your workouts, refer friends, sync your nutrition log, connect your FitBit or other fitness device, chat with other members, set goals and MORE… All on the NEW W3Body APP!

-coming January 2017-


Did we mention the app is FREE and only accessible to MEMBERS?

Can you tell we are a bit excited πŸ™‚ Spread the word and get ready to set new fitness goals and ACHIEVE them in 2017!!! See you at W3~


Sneak Peak of the new W3Body App:

Women’s Workout Chicago to Introduce Small Group Personal Training

The Women’s Workout & Wellness on Lawrence Ave in Chicago and the W3 on the south side, 51st and Kedzie, in Chicago now offer small group personal training! All W3 locations have always offered one on one personal training services and large group training (aka TEAM functional training), but these 2 locations now offer something more unique. We have taken the concept of one on one personal training and infused the group dynamic. Women are social creatures! We love working out in groups, but some of us prefer more special attention. Some of us need more special attention due to a medical issue, injury, etc. Or some of us just need that extra push. Yes, we could receive these services in one-on-one personal training, but #1 it’s a little more costly and #2 we miss the social dynamic of exercise and working out. So, small group personal training is the perfect option. We hope to bring it to all of the Women’s Workout & Wellness locations soon. For now, check it out at the W3 on Lawrence and the W3 on 51st and Kedzie. Included in these 55-minute sessions of small group personal training is our TEAM training on some of the other days. Different options available- please see the staff and PT manager at the club for more information! You receive 5x the amount of training of 1x1s all for a lower price!!! Check it out.

W3’s training philosophy is centered around functional training: everyone should train functionally. Therefore, no matter if it’s small group personal training, one on one personal training or large group TEAM training, you will be training your body functionally and LOVING the benefits! Check out some of the pictures below of our 51st and Kedzie location and some of the W3 training TEAM! Come be a part of this amazing atmosphere! Members and guests always welcome~


Shape Magazine’s Chicagoland Diva Dash and W3

Shape Magazine is once again hosting the Diva Dash for Chicagoland in August, and W3 will be there to kick off each heat with everyone!

Training opens at Women’s Workout this summer for this all-women’s obstacle course, but in the meantime, you need to register! Check out the picture below to get $10 off registration with W3’s promo code: AXW3!

Check out our functional training classes to get your body Diva-ready this year. Run, jump, climb, crawl and DASH your way through this fun obstacle course!

Tinley Park Functional Training Video!

Check out Rhea, one of W3’s Functional Training Coaches, in her interview about why she loves functional Training and being a part of the Women’s Workout Team! She teaches at the W3 in Tinley Park Functional Training classes. These include small group training and one on ones. She also teaches group exercise at Tinley Park.

If you’re looking for Tinley Park Functional Training classes, look no further than W3! You will get this great coach as your guide and her amazing workouts. Tinley Park functional training at Women’s Workout also offers you camaraderie with other women in the small group, accountability from your trainer, and weight loss and toning workouts that you’ll love! Check out why Rhea loves coaching functional training at the W3 in Tinley Park on 16015 S Harlem Ave 60477!!

Click here for a short video clip of Rhea doing TRX curtsey lunges, Tire Flips and Kettlebell Swings

Why Women Won’t Change their Fitness Routines

Since we started our group functional training program over 3 years ago, we have had many women take the ‘risk’ and try this great exercise program. It was definitely new to them with all of those functional training toys…. tires…. battling ropes… carpet sliders….kettlebells… Little did they know, they would come to love the program. The same women who took the leap of faith 3 years ago still participate in the program today. Why? Because they love the workouts. They can’t imagine doing anything else but functional training. Most importantly, they have felt, experienced and understood how it has helped them and changed their bodies, how they have gained strength and lost fat, how they have increased their energy levels, and how they just don’t want to do any other type of workout. So with their testimonials, why don’t more women follow their lead? Why go backwards when you can go forward?

That’s precisely what this blog post is about. If we as the women’s fitness gurus in the Chicagoland area are telling you THIS program is the latest and greatest, THIS program will get you results, and we have overall found a way to exercise better and smarter, why won’t our women change? Especially if they are frustrated because they are not seeing results, why won’t they CHANGE what they are doing and do what the experts recommend for them? It comes down to this: women perceive the risk of changing their fitness regimen and failing is TOO high, so they stay where they are, what they are comfortable doing. Here are the issues and the irrationality of this dilemma:

1) If what you’re doing isn’t working, do something else. If you’re not getting results with what you’re doing, what really is the risk of trying something else? (especially when the trainers are telling you it’s what you should be doing!)

*Remember the definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!

2) The real problem comes into play when the member experiences burnout. She won’t change her fitness routine… so she continues to do the same thing… and continues to NOT see results… so what happens? Frustration levels increase and she drops out of the program completely, which will set her back even further. It’s a vicious cycle.

3) If we have found a better way of doing something, why stick to ancient philosophy? Granted, that’s a little extreme. Fixed equipment and cardio machines aren’t necessarily ancient. We know it’s hard to keep up with an ever-changing fitness industry, but we have found something now that makes sense. Functional training simply makes sense. Why wouldn’t you train your body functionally to perform your daily activities with ease? with no pain? without injury? Men and women were not created to sit and work one muscle group at a time in a fixed plane of motion. We were meant to run, jump, crouch, crawl, lean, squat and move easily without pain. So why wouldn’t you train your body to be strong and do those daily activities without ever being injured?

Sometimes it’s hard to believe new research when it comes out, but in this case, this new research just.makes.sense. If a new technology came out that made life so much easier and you had access to it, would you honestly just keep using your current technology that isn’t enhancing your life at all? That doesn’t make sense! It’s the same case with exercise and functional training. If functional training will get you results and literally make your life easier AND you have access to it, are you honestly going to keep doing things the old way? Think about it…. Why go backwards when you can move forward?

Shift in the Fitness Industry Toward Functional Training

Traditionally, health clubs have been known as a “big box” …. “rent a treadmill” …. “churn and burn.” But now, the trends are changing toward smaller gyms, towards results and programming and towards a huge focus on retention. Of course, you still have your big box players- those clubs that came into the market during the recession as the low-price competitors, but what are those gyms, really? They discount the price we should put on our health, and they don’t offer the services that the higher priced gyms do. Now, that’s great for those who are self- motivated and know exactly what they need to do and how to do it. But that doesn’t help the average American, and unfortunately, it sets them up for failure. Intimidation is a big factor along with the lack of knowledge, help, and in turn, the lack of results they’ll receive.

It’s unfortunate because these low price competitors have really changed the market. Less than 20% of the US population works out. When you take those out of the 80% who make the leap of faith and try it, only to fail, they are WAY less likely to ever join a gym again. It’s sad and frustrating, especially coming from a gym (we at Women’s Workout & Wellness πŸ™‚ who truly care about our members. We have shifted our focus to learn new ways of helping our members and giving them service. We don’t want to be a ‘big box’ anymore, and we DEFINITELY don’t want to be known as the “churn and burn” club. We want our programs, especially our group exercise classes and group functional training, to be popular among our members because we know that’s how our women will get results. Group atmospheres for women make exercise FUN! And this dynamic keeps our members coming back to maintain the health they have achieved here at W3!

As mentioned, group exercise throughout our Chicagoland locations is a huge part of what makes W3 successful and what gives the Women’s Workout World (& Wellness) name strong brand recognition, even 30+ years later! We pride ourselves on excellent group exercise programs throughout our 5 locations. We know it’s a great bridge for the beginners and a great way to ease everyone into fantastic programs. However, also as mentioned above, we have looked for ways to better service our members and give them the attention they need to get fit, healthy, and see results. They need guidance and a GREAT program, and we have found a way to do that through our group training programs. Not only is it group training; it’s also functional training. Work on core, strength and metabolic movements- many times all at the same time! Much of our equipment is what you’ll see on the Biggest Loser show, too! For those who don’t want to fully jump into the program, we offer bootcamps to get a short-term taste of what success feels like!!! (and an awesome workout!) If you are thinking about functional training, ask to set up a fitness assessment where one of our fitness professionals/trainers will go over with you, step by step, what’s involved in the program, what you can expect, and then he/she will take you through a mini-workout so you can experience that personal attention first hand!

W3 Chicago Functional Training

Chicago Functional Training at W3… WOW… all we have to say is RESULTS!

Chicago’s functional training programs have been very popular lately, and W3 has been a driving force! W3’s group training program does not only include functional training specifically, but it also includes TRX classes and POWER Boxing at select locations. The program is so successful not only because it offers Chicagoland different options for group personal training but also because it has amazing trainers. Why do the members love these trainers? Because they motivate them and help them get RESULTS! That is what it’s all about. W3’s group training members stay in the program because they see results and receive a consistent experience each time they come to a group training class- whether it’s functional training, TRX or Boxing. These members have various options of membership besides the simple access membership that allows them to come into the gym to take group exercise and use the equipment and machines. Members and non-members are welcome to these programs through various options and can choose exactly what they want, like how many times/week they want to attend these specialty, results-driven classes. Sometimes we run Bootcamps and Challenges, too, that are short-term and also open to non-members. Looking for Chicago functional training gyms? You have come to the right place!

More specifically, W3’s functional training program is the best around for women. How do we know this? Because it’s run by women who have seen our members transform through the functional training program, and we have had over 3 years of experience at our gyms with this program! Our members have received amazing results… from weight loss, muscle tone, increased energy and confidence… being able to walk up a flight of stairs (previously unable to)… to getting off of various medications! It’s amazing, and these results specifically are the reason they keep coming back to functional training. They love it!

Looking for Chicago functional training? Check us out today… you’ll be amazed at the results you’ll receive with W3’s functional training program, no matter which of our 5 locations you go to!

Functional Training with Tire Flips at W3!

One of our newest functional training “toys” at all of our W3 locations are TIRES! We have a smaller one, about 40 lbs, and a bigger one, about 70 lbs. As you’ll see in the picture below, these two women at the W3 on Monroe St. in Chicago are doing a partner tire flip. Talk about functional training… tire flips involve so many different movements- squatting, lifting, and pushing. It gets your heart rate up but is also a very strength based workout! These two ladies in the picture are newer to our functional training program. One of them signed up for our 8-week Bootcamp that we offered in August and the other is on a 6 month program. They have been doing a phenomenal job! They absolutely love the program and are already seeing RESULTS!!! Strong is beautiful.

Women’s Workout & Wellness, W3, offers functional training at our women’s health clubs all across Chicagoland. We have various programs each month to continue to always strive to help our members see RESULTS, whether it’s weight loss, muscle tone, increase of strength, or overall improvement of health! We know this program works from the amazing success stories we have collected over the past few years since we started the program. YOU should be our next success story! Contact a W3 near you today. You don’t have to be a member to take advantage of these amazing functional training programs! (We also offer POWER BOXING at Downers Grove, Berwyn & the Chicago Loop location & TRX at Tinley Park and Downers Grove!)

Spring into Fitness at W3!

The big “New Year’s rush” is over…but summertime is almost here! So what does that mean? It’s REALLY time to get in shape. Pressure is on for beach/swimsuit season, not to mention the weddings, vacations, graduation parties, summer bbqs and more that await our agendas during the summer. It’s fun, but it’s alsoΒ nerve-rackingΒ if we slacked off a bit during the winter months (especially these winter months in Chicago- it’s May and it’s 50 degrees outside!) So, with the weather (hopefully) attempting to warm up outside, it’s time to get serious and really take some time to focus on ourselves.

Besides the ever-so-popular Zumba, Turbokick, HardBody and CardioFlex classes at Women’s Workout & Wellness, you can also find a variety of bootcamps, challenges and functional training programs going on that are changing the lives of women across Chicago- helping them lose weight, tone up, increase their strength and cardiovascular levels, feel better and more energized, and just overall GET IN SHAPE! Before we talk a little bit about what these programs consist of, I just wanted to share a few comments we have heard from some members across our W3 locations. One 4-Week Summer Shape Up Challenge member from the Downers Grove W3 said she can’t even begin to explain how these workouts make her feel- not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. She decided the 4 weeks wasn’t enough for her and enrolled in this program for a minimum of 3 months! Good for her!

Another member from the W3 on Monroe St. in the Loop had to put another hole in her belt… not to make it looser, of course, but to make it tighter! Her belt has now become too big. She thanked her trainer for the great workouts so far. Yes, it’s the trainer’s motivating training style and amazing workouts, but she has put in a lot of work and has amazing fat loss results to show for it. Can’t wait to see her before and after picture side to side! Only a few weeks left of her bootcamp. Unbelievable RESULTS coming soon!

Intrigued yet?

We could write blog post after blog post of amazing success stories followed by pictures to show the results these women have received, and we will continue to do so because we know this program is what will help women across Chicago get fit and HEALTHY. What’s so great about it? It’s the functional training style of classes. Women join our group functional training program for various reasons: to lose weight, reduce fat and inches, gain muscle tone, feel better, get rid of pain, gain energy, sleep better, and more! And they are getting what they asked for. We use our functional “toys” and carefully designed workouts to produce amazing results. Some of our toys include ropes, slam balls, kettle bells, Bosus, TRX suspension training, plyo boxes, val slides, bands, superbands, monster tires, and more. Have you seen the Biggest Loser? Then you know exactly what we are talking about.

Check out our video HERE to understand Β a little bit more about functional training. Come check it out for yourself- whether you are a member of Women’s Workout & Wellness or someone looking for a gym/program to join, we have a challenge, bootcamp or program for you! Non-members are welcome to enroll in a program for 4 weeks or more, depending on our current promotion. Call today- you’ll be amazed.

What are YOUR results? Be our next success story. Call or visit us today!

~Women’s Workout & Wellness~

W3 Personal Training Opportunities!

Check out our employment opportunities for personal trainers for all Women’s Workout & Wellness locations. We have immediate opportunities available at our Monroe St. location in the Loop and for our location on 51st & Kedzie Ave (bilingual preferred for this location).

Personal Trainers


As a personal trainer at Women’s Workout & Wellness, you will be expected to deliver a great experience during 1-1 sessions with members and also during group personal training sessions. You will provide a safe and effective workout and follow any policies set in place by W3. We want our trainers to have a lead-by-example attitude by maintaing a healthy, active lifestyle. We also expect our trainers to follow our training philosophy that everyone trains functionally. We expect our trainers to be upbeat and motivational, always maintaining a positive and professional relationship with members to encourage continued participation and strive for results.


-Provide exciting, safe, effective workouts for our group functional training classes and during 1-1 sessions

-Contribute Workouts of the Day to our W3 Fitness Coach Team

-Develop positive relationships with clients and seek to develop these relationships with future clients

-Sell personal training packages and programs

-Clean and organize functional training area before/after each session

-Seek 1-1 clients as well as group PT clients

-Be able to work on a team, share feedback, and contribute ideas to build a successful program

-Adhere to W3 rules and policies


-CPR/AED certification

-Nationally recognized Personal Training Certification

-TRX certification and other specialty certifications a plus

*We have great opportunities available both for part time and full time personal training positions. We will provide all training necessary for our functional program and W3 systems.

Please send your resume to Jamie and Adrianne- jamie@w3body.com and adrianne@w3body.com. We look forward to hearing from you.