Women of Fitness: Yulonda N.

My name is Yulonda. I currently work as a service excellence rep in the security department for presence health. I really enjoy working in a hospital because I love helping people. I am also family oriented, so I spend a lot of time with my family. Growing up, sports played a huge factor in my family.

We were ALL extremely athletic. I played volleyball, basketball, ran track, and was on the cheerleading team throughout my entire academic career. But of course as I got older, I wasn’t very active anymore. With work and everyday life, things had drastically changed.About three years ago, I went to the doctor because I felt dizzy all the time. It was then that I found out that I was prediabetic, and had high blood pressure. I remember feeling really sad, and thinking to myself, I didn’t want to have to take pills every day for the rest of my life. I knew I had to change my lifestyle. I purchased a set of 10lb weights, meal prepped, and worked out to you tube videos for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I started seeing great results, I felt more energetic, and things were great.

In August 2016, I had to have gallbladder removal surgery. During my recovery, I wasn’t able to work out for at least 6 months. That was a major setback for me and the lifestyle I had created. By the time I had the clearance to start doing physical activities, I was right back to where I started. I gained all of the weight back. I was extremely discouraged, but I knew that if I did it before, that I could do it again.

I started back doing my routines as I had before, but I felt like I was missing that extra push I needed. I decided to join a gym. I did some research, tried out a few facilities, and eventually came across W3. W3 has given me what I was missing and more!!!! The classes are amazing, and all of the trainers are outstanding. The members are really encouraging and inspirational as well. When you walk in a gym and everyone knows your name, and will come over to help you with your workout, it truly feels like a second family.

I am happy to say that through my ups and downs, that I am no longer on any prediabetic medication. I know that as long as I continue to stay focused, that I will be able to accomplish anything. That I can continue to create a lifestyle where I can be here for my family, and I can be a healthier, happier, stronger ME!

Unsolicited Testimonial for W3

We were checking in on a Yoga instructor who sprained her wrist and was supposed to be out for 2 months. During that time, she originally thought she would be able to still come to the gym and do cardio. Unfortunately, her doctor told her otherwise, and here was her email to us expressing how much she will miss W3 for the 2 months she won’t be able to come in! This is a true testament of who we are…. you can be a part of it, too!

Hey, Jamie –
Thanks for checking in! I’m hanging in there. I saw my doctor yesterday who told me I couldn’t do any sort of cardio (no dancing!) for 3-4 weeks. That’s really bumming me out. Like, alot. He might as well confine me in a windowless shack, that’s how depressing this will be. πŸ™

The next few weeks will be challenging, but I’m determined to keep my mind and spirit strong so that when it’s time, I’ll be ready to werq!

Actualy, your timing is pretty good. I wanted to send you a note expressing how much I miss everyone at W3. Consider this an unsolicited testimonial:

Several years ago I made a committment to make better, healther choices. I didn’t go on a diet: I started eating mindfully. I didn’t just get a gym membership: I made a lifestyle change. I treated my gym routine like a second job, and I held myself accountable for showing up. (Eventually, it literally became a second job! Technically, third since I was already hosting movie trivia as a second job… but I digress.)

The more effort I put into my workout, the more results I saw. As my strength grew, so did my drive to get even stronger. I began to understand that my body is a strong, powerful machine. And I truly believe that I would not have been able to reach my fitness goals – and maintain my enthusiasm when that goal seemed unreachable – if not for the tremendous team at W3. We truly are a team: with members as the players; Cassie, Sheeba, Susan, Reina, Toya, et al as our coaches; and Juanita, Jamie and everyone else as our cheerleaders. Everyone does their part to stay positive and to encourage everyone else on the team. The team at W3 is not only supportive, it’s empowering.

As I recover from a fractured wrist, my doctor has ordered NO CARDIO. Which means no Zumba or Werq. You know,only my primary source of endorphins and stress relief. No big. (!!!) But I’m staying positive and looking at this as an opportunity to explore other avenues of wellness, like meditation and restorative yoga. And I have the all-clear to do floor work, so I can focus on abs and lower body. But for me, those options are actually easier to do at home; which means no – or very limited – visits to W3 over the next month. And that, too, is a depressing thought.

I already miss everyone so much. The life-changing concepts I’ve learned at W3 (proper alignment, breathing techniques, pacing) have provided a good foundation on which to build an effective home practice. But nothing compares to the palpable comraderie and sisterhood one feels just walking into W3. From Juanita greeting “Hello, beautiful!” to Cassie screaming “Get lower!”, and every interaction in between,I know everyone there has my back. I miss my sisters in fitness!

I know that becoming too active too soon could exacerbate my injury; so a few weeks on the sidelines is worth a lifetime of wellness. I just have to remember that allowing myself proper time to heal is part of that committment I made to making healthy lifestyle choices. I may be an injurred wallflower now, but I’ll be tearing up the dancefloor in no time.

Thanks again for reaching out!

Miss you,

Get it Right, Get it Tight: W3 BodyFIT!

W3body body fit class is one of the most mentally and physically stimulating group exercise classes I have ever experienced. Coming from a background of taking a variety of classes throughout the Chicago based area, this class was definitely one of the most challenging.

Now you may think, β€œoh maybe she’s out of shape, has no endurance”, however, I work out at least four times a week for 45min to an hour. Most of my workouts include cardio, running being my favorite.

We’ve all heard of that saying β€œrunners’ high”, that people tend to say they feel after their workout. However, statistically only 10-15% of runners will experience this actual euphoria. I consider myself to be one of these.

Not that I experience a rush of endorphins each and every time- it happens seldomly, but I definitely do feel better afterwards. Since I’m more of a cardio kinda gal, I don’t do strength training nearly enough. I find it challenging. Challenging in a way where I have to mentally empower myself and tell myself I can do it through the pain,sweat, and weights. Lots of weights.

After taking Body Fit, I discovered a lot more about my body. I discovered I’m stronger than I thought, and I can endure way more than I had imagined.

I owe my success to Cassie, brilliant W3body trainer, who guided me through my workout. Although the class was packed, she never once failed to correct my stance and the moment she did so, let me tell you, I felt the burn. She pushed us to our core, literally a work out from the inside out.

One thing I never thought I could get from strength training was that euphoric feeling I get from running.

I was right; I never achieved that feeling.

But what I earned was so much greater. It was an appreciation for muscles I never knew I had while running. Cassie pushed me beyond my limits making me wonder about my capabilities and sparked my interest to further test my ability. Body Fit encouraged me to become as strong as I can become.

It also made me question how strength training will benefit me in the long run.

So here are a few reasons every woman, girl, and female in the world should strength train:


A crucial factor in weight training is your body’s ability to burn fat during and even after the work out. Your body then tends to consume more oxygen a few hours- even days- post weight training; this requires more caloric expenditure, creating a quicker metabolism.


As your body builds muscle it takes on a womanly hour- glass shape. It helps create and sustain them!


A study published by International Sport med not only claims more efficient sleep, but says resistance training will help you fall asleep quicker with less waking up!


β€œA study published by the National Institute of Health suggests that the chronic increase in energy expenditure, even after a minimal resistance training session, may favorably effect energy balance and fat oxidation. 2 Rather than reaching for that early afternoon cup of coffee, grab a barbell.”


Pumping some iron here and there can actually help reduce heart disease. Studies have shown that those who lift tend to have lower chances of high blood pressure or glucose levels.


Resistance training is an excellent way to combat loss of bone mass, and it decreases the risk of osteoporosis.

LASTLY (but not really because there’s a million more) A CONFIDENT STRONGER YOU!

That’s right, a healthy strong you. What can feel better than that?

Now go lift something!

Member Feedback from the W3Body Lawrence Ave Club!

We always ask our members for feedback, so we know how we can improve the experience we give our members. We want our members to be inspired, motivated and happy in our environment so they can thrive and get the best results they’ve ever seen and felt in their lives! Check out this feedback a member wrote in via email about our Lawrence Avenue gym in Chicago… It totally embodies what we try to cultivate at W3.

I’d be happy to give you feedback! I’ve really enjoyed working out at W3, but more than that, I’ve loved working with my trainer Coleen. She pushes me to do things I never thought I could.

The space is comfortable, and the women end up feeling like family. I’ve never felt uncomfortable talking to the other patrons after a workout. Something about the way W3 is run just makes everyone more approachable.

I used to be an athlete, but a few years ago I had surgery, got sedentary, and gained weight. Thanks for being the first gym that has accepted me regardless of my current state of physical capability. I feel welcome, and I never feel judged.

You ladies are great!


Thank you for sharing, Bethany!

W3 Hosts WERQ fitness group exercise dance certification!

What is WERQ? WERQ is a fitness dance class. All of the music in this class is current top 40 pop, hip hop and rock. Unlike other hip hop fitness formats, WERQ ensures that anyone who is teaching this format is a fitness professional- in other words, holds a nationally recognized group fitness certification, such as ACE or AFAA. WERQ was founded in Chicago. Women’s Workout & Wellness recently hosted a WERQ certification for our instructors to become certified in this format. We are always looking to improve our group exercise schedules! And one of the ways we look to improve our group fitness classes is by adding new formats to keep our members excited. We also change our signature formats (we recently changed our HardBody group X class format) to ensure our members get a great yet different experience each time. If you’re looking for group exercise classes in Chicagoland, check out our vast group exercise schedules. You will no doubt find something you like from Latin dance- Zumba- to weight lifting- HardBody and Body Fit- to interval classes, like cardioflex, and then to cardio kickboxing, like Turbokick! We also offer mind/body classes, like Yoga or PiYo. Now, with our recent WERQ certification, we have yet another fun, calorie-burning format to add to our group exercise schedules throughout our Chicagoland gyms! Stay tuned for when this class will be added to the group exercise schedule at the W3 nearest you! In the meantime, check out this picture of our awesome W3 instructor TEAM before the WERQ cert!

Tinley Park Functional Training Video!

Check out Rhea, one of W3’s Functional Training Coaches, in her interview about why she loves functional Training and being a part of the Women’s Workout Team! She teaches at the W3 in Tinley Park Functional Training classes. These include small group training and one on ones. She also teaches group exercise at Tinley Park.

If you’re looking for Tinley Park Functional Training classes, look no further than W3! You will get this great coach as your guide and her amazing workouts. Tinley Park functional training at Women’s Workout also offers you camaraderie with other women in the small group, accountability from your trainer, and weight loss and toning workouts that you’ll love! Check out why Rhea loves coaching functional training at the W3 in Tinley Park on 16015 S Harlem Ave 60477!!

Click here for a short video clip of Rhea doing TRX curtsey lunges, Tire Flips and Kettlebell Swings

Chicago Zumba for Women

Want a women-only Zumba class? Check out Women’s Workout at our 5 locations!

Zumba, still being one of the most popular group exercise/group fitness classes, is a party at Women’s Workout. If you’re looking for Chicago Zumba, W3 is the place to go!

Because we are a women-only fitness facility in Chicago and we know that women love Zumba, we make sure our Zumba classes are among the top in Chicagoland. Not only do we ensure we have great Chicago Zumba classes, but we also make sure that we change it up from time to time and make it FUN for our members through our Zumba parties!

We often celebrate National Dance Day with a Zumbathon party in July, where we have a “marathon” of Zumba for 2 hours at each Chicagoland location. We also have ZUMBAWEEN “Halloween Zumba” parties in October, and during February with National Heart Month, we celebrate healthy hearts with a Zumba and Turbokick cardio party!

Finding good (and affordable!) Chicago Zumba classes may be hard, especially downtown because you may have to buy a pricey punch card or class pass somewhere. Luckily, Women’s Workout is a perfect place to go for Chicago Zumba as we are affordable AND all of our group exercise classes and W3 locations are included in a membership! That’s right… go to any of our Chicagoland locations to take Zumba and pay nothing extra!

It’s not only a great deal for Chicago Zumba, but it’s a great value where you know you’ll get great results with great Zumba instructors and a consistent experience every time. Fill out the guest pass if you are not a member to be invited in to try a fabulous W3 Chicago Zumba class! We look forward to having you in our workout facility.


W3 Strong is Beautiful Tank Tops

Women’s Workout & Wellness Chicago now pushes the mantra “Strong is Beautiful” because we believe a strong, fit woman is a beautiful woman. We want our members to understand and believe in the importance of strength training and what it can do for your body. We also want to show our members that being strong, fit and confident about your body is what is beautiful; just working toward being ‘skinny’ in the eyes of public stigma is not what we push.

In order to further show our members and brand W3 as a company that believes the statement “Strong is Beautiful,” we created tank tops for our members and staff to wear! They are on sale now at your local W3- in either purple, pink, or blue! Get yours today. Limited quantity available!

Shift in the Fitness Industry Toward Functional Training

Traditionally, health clubs have been known as a “big box” …. “rent a treadmill” …. “churn and burn.” But now, the trends are changing toward smaller gyms, towards results and programming and towards a huge focus on retention. Of course, you still have your big box players- those clubs that came into the market during the recession as the low-price competitors, but what are those gyms, really? They discount the price we should put on our health, and they don’t offer the services that the higher priced gyms do. Now, that’s great for those who are self- motivated and know exactly what they need to do and how to do it. But that doesn’t help the average American, and unfortunately, it sets them up for failure. Intimidation is a big factor along with the lack of knowledge, help, and in turn, the lack of results they’ll receive.

It’s unfortunate because these low price competitors have really changed the market. Less than 20% of the US population works out. When you take those out of the 80% who make the leap of faith and try it, only to fail, they are WAY less likely to ever join a gym again. It’s sad and frustrating, especially coming from a gym (we at Women’s Workout & Wellness πŸ™‚ who truly care about our members. We have shifted our focus to learn new ways of helping our members and giving them service. We don’t want to be a ‘big box’ anymore, and we DEFINITELY don’t want to be known as the “churn and burn” club. We want our programs, especially our group exercise classes and group functional training, to be popular among our members because we know that’s how our women will get results. Group atmospheres for women make exercise FUN! And this dynamic keeps our members coming back to maintain the health they have achieved here at W3!

As mentioned, group exercise throughout our Chicagoland locations is a huge part of what makes W3 successful and what gives the Women’s Workout World (& Wellness) name strong brand recognition, even 30+ years later! We pride ourselves on excellent group exercise programs throughout our 5 locations. We know it’s a great bridge for the beginners and a great way to ease everyone into fantastic programs. However, also as mentioned above, we have looked for ways to better service our members and give them the attention they need to get fit, healthy, and see results. They need guidance and a GREAT program, and we have found a way to do that through our group training programs. Not only is it group training; it’s also functional training. Work on core, strength and metabolic movements- many times all at the same time! Much of our equipment is what you’ll see on the Biggest Loser show, too! For those who don’t want to fully jump into the program, we offer bootcamps to get a short-term taste of what success feels like!!! (and an awesome workout!) If you are thinking about functional training, ask to set up a fitness assessment where one of our fitness professionals/trainers will go over with you, step by step, what’s involved in the program, what you can expect, and then he/she will take you through a mini-workout so you can experience that personal attention first hand!

Berwyn Zumba Classes at W3!

Check out our hot group exercise classes at W3! One of our great locations on Cermak & Ridgeland has packed classes and if you’re looking for ZUMBA in the Berwyn area, this is the place to go!

Being a very heavily-populated Hispanic area, Zumba with its latin-inspired moves is naturally a very popular class at this W3 location.

We have a variety of Berwyn Zumba instructors. One in particular is Veronica! She is the club manager and was recently certified in June. She has been teaching and helping out to promote Berwyn Zumba at W3 ever since! Some of her favorite moves and types of dances are Merengue,”Beto Shuffle,” & Cumbia. Her absolute favorite are the reggaeton songs! She has helped W3 make the Berwyn Zumba classes popular!

If you’re looking for Berwyn Zumba classes, look at the W3 in Berwyn located at 6342 W. Cermak Rd- give them a call 708-788-0010, stop in for a visit, or email them at berwyn@w3body.com. Also if you’re looking for Berwyn ZumbaΒ and want to try a class, fill out the form to the right and you will be contacted to redeem your free guest pass to Women’s Workout & Wellness.Β Get ready to dance the lbs away! We are having a Berwyn Zumba party (Halloween Zumba= Zumbaween) at the end of October.Β All W3 clubs will have a Zumba party!Β Special Berwyn Zumba HALLOWEEN songs during the week of October 28th.Β Please see club for details!

*Check out the pictures of a Berwyn Zumbathon party we had in 2011! W3 is the place to be.