Eat Smart, Live Well: Quick Nutrition Tips for Busy Lives

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the time to prioritize nutrition can be a challenge, especially for busy women who juggle multiple responsibilities. That’s why we wanted to share some valuable insights on how to eat smart on the go. 

Our mission is to empower you with practical tips and tricks that fit seamlessly into your daily routine, helping you make smart food choices even on the busiest days. We firmly believe that when women prioritize their health, they are better equipped to excel in every aspect of life. 

Here are some nutrition hacks to get you started: 

Prep Ahead: Spend a little time on the weekend preparing healthy snacks like carrot sticks, cucumber slices, or trail mix. Store them in easy-to-grab containers to have nutritious options at your fingertips when you’re on the move.

Smart Swaps: Opt for whole grains over refined carbs, and choose lean proteins like grilled chicken or tofu. When dining out, look for dishes that incorporate vegetables and lean proteins. 

Hydration is Key: Staying hydrated is crucial. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and set reminders to sip throughout the day. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger. 

Portable Protein: Keep portable sources of protein handy, such as nut butter packets, Greek yogurt cups, or protein bars. These can be lifesavers when you need a quick energy boost! 

Plan Your Stops: If you’re frequently on the road, plan your pit stops wisely. Look for restaurants that offer healthier menu options or salads. Avoid the temptation of fast-food drive-thrus. If you don’t have a plan, you’re planning to fail, so be sure to think ahead! 

By thinking ahead and being aware of how to make smarter choices, you’ll be well on your way to eating smart while on the go, ensuring that your busy lifestyle doesn’t compromise your nutritional goals. 

Remember, prioritizing your health is an investment in yourself, and it can enhance your ability to excel in every aspect of your life! 

Strength Training

After years of yo-yo dieting, do you feel that your metabolism is much slower than before? I think we can all relate. It was MUCH easier to burn fat when we were in our 20’s and early 30’s. But now, the struggle is real! Fact – as we age, our bodies aren’t burning calories as efficiently as they used to! So what do we do about it?

The good news is that there’s a powerful solution: strength training. While it’s often associated with building muscles and getting stronger, it offers so much more, especially when it comes to revving up your metabolism.

Here's How It Works:

1. Muscle Burns More Calories at Rest: One of the key benefits of strength training is that it helps you build lean muscle mass. Unlike fat, muscle tissue is metabolically active, meaning it burns calories even when you’re not exercising. So, the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate (RMR) becomes. This means you’ll burn more calories just sitting or sleeping!

2. Boosting Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Strength training not only increases your muscle mass but also enhances your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR represents the number of calories your body needs to maintain basic functions like breathing and digestion. By increasing your BMR through strength training, you naturally burn more calories throughout the day.

3. Improved Insulin Sensitivity: As we age, our bodies often become less responsive to insulin, which can lead to weight gain. Strength training helps improve insulin sensitivity, making it easier for your body to manage blood sugar levels and reducing the likelihood of fat storage.

4. Post-Exercise Calorie Burn: The energy expenditure doesn’t stop when you finish your strength training session. Your body continues to burn calories as it repairs and rebuilds muscle tissue post-exercise. This process can last for hours after your workout, contributing to additional calorie burn.

Adding 2-3 days of strength training into your fitness routine is a fantastic way to counteract the effects of a slowing metabolism. It not only helps you burn more calories but also offers a host of other benefits, like improved bone density, posture, and overall strength.

If you’re new to strength training, don’t worry; this is exactly why our semi-private personal training sessions can be tailored to every fitness level! Remember, consistency is key, so make it a part of your weekly routine.

Embrace the power of strength training, and watch your metabolism soar!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need guidance on getting started.

7 Reasons Women Over 40 Should Lift Weights: Unlocking the Power of Strength Training

1. Boost Your Metabolism

Picture this: A faster metabolism means burning more calories, even while you’re resting! By incorporating strength training into your routine, you can rev up your metabolism and support healthy weight management. As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down, but lifting weights can give it a much-needed kickstart.

2. Say Goodbye to Weak Bones

Fears about osteoporosis? Strength training is like your secret weapon against brittle bones. It helps increase bone density and reduces the risk of fractures. Lift weights to stay strong and confident in every step you take.

3. Sculpt and Tone Your Body

Lifting weights isn’t just for bodybuilders. It’s your ticket to a well-toned physique. Say hello to shapely arms, defined legs, and a firmer core. Embrace your strength and watch your body transform in all the right ways.

4. Enhance Daily Functionality

No more struggling to carry groceries or lift heavy objects. Strength training makes everyday tasks feel like a breeze. It improves your overall functional fitness, so you can maintain your independence and stay active as you age.

5. Banish the Blues

Exercise, including lifting weights, releases endorphins, those delightful mood-boosting chemicals. Beat stress, anxiety, and the blues while gaining physical strength. It’s like therapy with added dumbbells!

6. Stay Energetic and Agile

Life doesn’t slow down after 40, and neither should you. Strength training helps maintain your energy levels, flexibility, and agility. Whether you’re chasing kids or grandkids or enjoying an adventurous retirement, being strong and mobile is a game-changer.

7. Preserve Lean Muscle Mass

As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass, but strength training helps slow down this process. Keeping your muscles strong and lean isn’t just about looks; it’s about vitality and long-term health.

In conclusion, ladies, don’t let age hold you back! Lifting weights and incorporating strength training into your routine can be a game-changer for your physical and emotional well-being. Embrace the power of strength training to boost your metabolism, fortify your bones, sculpt your body, and enhance your everyday life. Say hello to a healthier, happier, and more confident you in 2024!

Unlocking the Power of Strength Training: 7 Reasons Women Over 40 Should Lift Weights

The old adage, “Age is just a number,” is more than wishful thinking when it comes to strength training. Especially for women over 40. Why should you embrace the power of pumping iron? This blog post will uncover 7 compelling reasons that highlight the benefits of strength training, particularly for women over 40.

Reason #1: Increase in Bone Density

Osteoporosis is a significant concern for women as they age. Regularly lifting weights encourages the development of more robust bones, reducing the risk of fractures and breaks.

Reason #2: More Muscle, Less Fat

Strength training helps accelerate your metabolism by building lean muscle. This process aids in fat burning, even when the body is at rest.

Reason #3: Improved Balance and Coordination

As we age, we may face challenges with balance and coordination. Strength training can enhance both, reducing the risk of falls and related injuries.

Reason #4: Better Mental Health

Exercise is a proven mood booster. Lifting weights regularly can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, promoting overall mental wellbeing.

Reason #5: Maintenance of Independence

Strength training can help maintain and even improve physical abilities. This allows for greater independence and ability to perform daily activities more easily.

Reason #6: Reduction of Chronic Disease Risk

Studies show that strength training can help manage and reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes.

Reason #7: Empowerment and Confidence

Embracing strength training can lead to a heightened sense of empowerment. As your physical strength increases, so too can your confidence.

In conclusion, strength training provides numerous benefits for women over 40. It’s not just about building muscle, but also about boosting overall health and well-being. Remember, it’s never too late to start lifting weights and unlock the power of strength training.

So ladies, are you ready to embrace the challenge and start lifting?


Why We Fail at Fitness

Why is it that some of us get results when we go to the gym, and some of us never even go after signing up? Is it a motivation thing? Does someone else want to get stronger and healthier more than me? Does she make her fitness goals a priority and I don’t?

We could talk about priorities and how that affects us achieving our goals all day… I actually have a great Ted Talk to share about that one, and that might be a main driver as to why some of us make it through the doors of the gym and some of us don’t… but that’s not the main reason why we fail at fitness.

We fail at fitness because being a newcomer is hard. Not knowing what to do is hard. Big box gyms full of equipment that you don’t know how to use are intimidating. A coed environment with the possibility of a guy staring at you while you’re trying to squat and figure this fitness thing out is uncomfortable and unmotivating. Personal training is expensive, and watching YouTube videos to figure it out is time-consuming…. the list goes on. Talk about daunting.. ugh! Why is something that is supposed to help us physically and mentally and is truly the foundation of our life (our health!!) to put it plainly… so hard?!

  • I don’t know why… but I do know that you’re in luck! Because our new WOMEN-ONLY training gym in Elmhurst (projected opening date is early October 2023!) takes care of all of that.
  • We love helping newcomers. Our programs are built to accommodate all fitness levels and meet our ladies where they are at.
  • Newbie- AWESOME. You’ve come to the right place. Advanced and looking for a push and a fun community? AWESOME- you have come to the right place!
  • No prior fitness knowledge is required! JUST SHOW UP (said best by one of our current members). We take care of everything for you. What’s cool is that you learn SO much along the way!
  • We offer an exclusive, intimate environment. There is no intimidation factor here – – especially not with our amazing community of women who are all supporting each other and working toward common goals.
  • No male members creating an uncomfortable environment… enough said!
  • Train 3-4x more often than you would with a personal trainer for LESS! Compare $69 per week to get access to up to 3 semi-private training sessions + 2 TEAM sessions vs. $100 for ONE 1×1 session… WOW … the value is immense.
  • ((and even more immense during our pre-opening offer going on NOW to help you save $180!))
  • We strive to make fitness fun and enjoyable – not daunting… not boring… not overwhelming.

All you need to do is show up. Leave the rest to us!

Your health is our priority at W3Body. You have 1 body and 1 chance to take care of it. I hope you allow us to help you do that!

P.S: A final note:
We fail at fitness because the industry has failed the consumer. Everyone thinks that signing up at a big gym with tons of equipment is the way to go- wow look at al of the shiny stuff!- but it actually makes it harder. It’s built for its members to not use their memberships. Guess what? If you don’t use your membership here at W3Body, you’re getting a phone call and an email =) We WANT you to come in and train with us every week. We’re all about service, and we’re here to help you get results. That is why we are different!

5 Most Common Myths of Fitness and Fat Loss for Women

Do you ever wonder what to believe when it comes to fitness and fat loss? There is SO much information out there, and the health and fitness world seems to go through polarizing trends. Should I do cardio? Should I fast? Should I eat only fats and butter and avoid all carbs? The constant inundation of contradictory information is overwhelming! If you don’t study this stuff for a living, how are you supposed to know what to believe or where to start?! 

Well we can point you in the right direction of what not to believe and give you a solution on where to start with your fitness goals. 

Here are the 5 most common myths of fitness and fat loss: 

  • You need to do cardio to lose weight. False…. Where cardio is great for your heart health, it’s not your go-to workout for fat loss.
  • Carbs make you fat… False. You need carbs for energy! What makes you gain fat is by being in a caloric surplus. If you’re overeating and taking in more calories than you’re burning each day, you will put on weight regardless of where those calories are coming from.
  • Lifting weights makes you big and bulky… so false! Lifting weights makes you strong, lean, and healthy. It’s very important for fat loss in addition to helping your bone density and getting you STRONG & fit for life! 
  • “I don’t have time to workout” – Your priorities are what get your time. You make the time for what you deem a priority. Plus you do not need to workout for hours to the point of no return. How about start with 2x per week… 30-45 minutes. What is currently taking 30-45 minutes of your time just TWO times each week that you could give up? Your health and longevity will thank you for it! 
  • You need to train each body part individually for best results… so false! Do you only move your legs in everyday life but not your arms? Do you not engage your core when you stand up, sit down, or pick something up? You absolutely do! We move in multiple planes and use multiple muscles at once on a regular basis outside of the gym. Why would you train your body any differently when you workout? Functional strength training is the way to go!

Seems like a lot to digest and figure out… so here’s a bonus myth (solution!) for you: 

  • Hiring a professional and getting a personal trainer is the best way to get results (ok.. TRUE!), but there is no way I can afford a trainer multiple times per week….(false!) We have a solution for you! Check out our semi-private personal training program. It’s the best way to have a personal trainer. You can train 4-5x more often for a FRACTION of the cost! Imagine getting incredible results… you lose weight.. get toned… get super strong with the accountability you need in a more fun environment… for 80% LESS! Win-win all around! 

Luckily we offer just that + an option to work on your cardiovascular health in our TEAM training program- all with personal trainers, a fun community and a women-only environment. 


No need to worry about contradictory information or where to start anymore! All we need you to do is show up, and we’ll take care of the rest!

Personal Trainer / Small Group Trainer – Elmhurst

W3Body in Elmhurst, IL is looking for a personal trainer to train clients in a small group personal training setting (max of 4 women in a group) plus TEAM training (max of 16 women) if needed. We are a highly reputable training- centric fitness club for women with a number of flexible times available! If you want to join a great team and have a love for fitness, we’d love to hear from you!!

Personal Trainer Requirements

Jamie is the point of contact. Resumes can be emailed to or stop by to drop off your resume! 630-698-4492 for more information.

Elmhurst Fitness Sales Consultant

Sales Responsibilities

Service Responsibilities


Fitness sales consultant position is on-site at our location:

1042 S York Rd

Elmhurst, IL 60126

*Bilingual for this location a plus


Pay: Hourly plus Commission

Please contact if you are interested in applying for this position or drop off your resume at our location. For further questions, please call Jamie at 630-698-4492. Thank you.

Business Excellence Award – City of Berwyn

George W. Ashby Award for Business Excellence

Thank you to the City of Berwyn and the Berwyn Development Corporation for recognizing W3Body, A Women’s Gym as the 2022 recipient of the George W. Ashby award for business excellence.

We were honored to receive this award that is given to one Berwyn-based business per year that presents a professional and favorable image to Berwyn, provides quality goods or services, maintains a visually appealing space and practices high-quality customer service to its patrons.

Earning this award has truly been a team effort, and we are so fortunate to have the amazing trainers, instructors, staff and members as part of our community at W3Body! 

3 Reasons for Fitness and Fat Loss Failure

Have you been working out but not seeing results? We might know why...

Check out these (3) main causes of fitness and fat loss failure!

1. Don’t know what to do (or are doing the wrong things)

Some people have the desire to get fit and lose weight but don’t know where to begin. We hear this one all the time… I’ve never worked out before, what should I do? How do I start? Orrrrr, we talk with people who are following incorrect advice/information. Carbs are bad, I need to do more cardio to lose weight, etc. The solution to getting started correctly and receiving the correct information regarding fitness and fat loss is to find a great resource, a great coach. We know we’re biased on this one but seeing the VAST amount of misinformation on google that our clients are reading, we know why they’re not sure what to do. Knowing where to start and having the correct, scientifically based information is key to your fitness success!

2. It’s simply NOT a priority

We always come across harsh when we say this one. However, actions speak louder than words. We’ll ask a client, “On a scale from 1-10 how important is it for you to reach your fitness and fat loss goals?” And usually I get a response of a 9 or 10. But then week after week they come in with this reason or that reason as to why the needle didn’t move. Kid’s practice, stressful work week, didn’t sleep well, had brunch with girlfriends on the weekend, someone’s birthday, someone’s retirement party, just needed a glass of wine, family wanted pizza, etc. I’m not saying fitness and fat loss isn’t a priority; it’s just a low priority if the needle isn’t moving. Whatever the excuse is that day, that week took priority over your own health initiatives. If your goal is weight loss, and you’re not losing weight, it doesn’t make you a bad person, or a weak person, or a failure. It just means that fitness and fat loss are not a priority to you. Certainly not a 9 or 10.

3. Toxic environment

Sometimes this is the most difficult one for coaches to help solve. Toxic environment means what’s around you is not conducive to you reaching your fitness and fat loss goals. Or worse, actually sabotaging your goals. Your work has a mandatory Friday staff meeting which is catered. The pantry is filled with snacks and sweets. Your friend group gets together for Taco Tuesday, then Happy Hour on Friday and also brunch on Sunday (mmm mimosas;) Both Baskins and Robbin talk to you every night. Your family didn’t want to stick to the weekly meal plan and instead of making the planned dinner they ordered pizza and wings. As coaches it’s upsetting to us when we see co-workers and even worse… one’s spouse and kids not respecting a client’s fitness and fat loss goals. There is a solution but it’s not an easy one. First, decide which bad environment is killing your goals. If it’s the snacks, treats and unhealthy temptations, you have to get rid of them. If it’s not in your house, you can’t eat it. And if it’s a co-worker or family member that’s the issue, you need to have a difficult conversation with them. Tell them your goal and why it’s important to you. Ask them for their ongoing support. And most importantly, let them know exactly what that support should look like (what you expect of them). This is the only way to overcome a toxic environment and ensure your long term support and success!

Ultimately, with the right information, right prioritization and right environment you hit the trifecta and NOTHING will stop you from achieving your fitness goals! And as always, if you need help overcoming any of these three challenges in your life, let us know. We’d love to work with you directly. Reach out by calling us at 708-788-0010 or by sending us an email at We have the tools in place to help you reach your goals! Let’s chat soon!