How To Burn Fat Without Targeted Exercise

What do you think the secret is? It might be pretty obviousโ€ฆ we need to burn more calories every day! How? By MOVING more.

Is that scientifically proven? Sure is!

Have you ever heard of NEAT calories? NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

Calories burned through NEAT (so the activities you do every day that arenโ€™t a part of your designated โ€œexerciseโ€ time) count for 15-30% of total daily caloric burn. Did you know that exercise only accounts for 5-10%? Wow! Your basal metabolic rate accounts for 60-65% and digesting food accounts for up to 5%. The conclusion? NEAT calories play a BIG role in how many calories you burn everyday, which will contribute to overall fat loss.

Check out the top ways to get in those NEAT calories on the daily